

Helping the young people to realise the importance of Mathematics in life and society

Key concepts:

  • Number representations
  • Dimensions
  • Algebra
  • Problem Solving
  • Graphs
  • Evaluate


Being a confident communicator and reader are key skills that help us engage with society.

Key concepts:

  • Comprehension
  • Effects of language
  • Clear and confident communication
  • Exploring the world

BTEC Sport

Allows us to realise how to maintain a healthy lifestyle through exercise and nutrition

Key concepts:

  • Human Body
  • Diet
  • Exercise and fitness
  • Health in the workplace


Covering science, humanities and PSHE

Key concepts:

  • Preparing for the outside world
  • Understanding the world around us
  • Better understanding of why certain things happen


Learning vital skills that are needed in the outdoor world.

Key concepts:

  • Importance of safety
  • Survival
  • Routine

World 1 (KS3)

Monday Lesson/Activity
9.30am Arrival
9.30am-10am Breakfast
10am-10.45am English
10.45am-11.15am Break
11.15am-12pm Outdoor activity
12pm-12.30pm Lunch
12.30pm-2.15pm Bowling/pool
2.30pm Departure
Tuesday Lesson/Activity
9.30am Arrival
9.30am-10am Breakfast
10am-10.45am Topic
10.45am-11.15am Break
11.15am-12pm Maths
12pm-12.30pm Lunch
12.30pm-2.15pm 4motion
2.30pm Departure
Wednesday Lesson/Activity
9.30am Arrival
9.30am-10am Breakfast
10am-10.45am BTEC Sport Theory
10.45am-12pm BTEC Sport Practical
12pm-1pm KFC/McDonalds
1:15pm-2.15pm Go Karting
2.30pm Departure
Thursday Lesson/Activity
9.30am Arrival
9.30am-10am Breakfast
10am-10.45am Maths
10.45am-11.15am Break
11.15am-12pm Outdoor activity
12pm-12.30pm Lunch
12.30pm-2.15pm Bowling/pool
2.30pm Departure
Friday Lesson/Activity
9.30am Arrival
9.30am-10am Breakfast
10am-10.45am English
10.45am-12pm BTEC Practical Sport
12pm-1pm KFC/McDonalds
1.15pm-2.15pm Go Karting
2.30pm Departure

World 2 (KS4)

Monday Lesson/Activity
9.30am Arrival
9.30am-10am Breakfast
10am-10.45am English
10.45am-11.15am Break
11.15am-12pm Outdoor activity
12pm-12.30pm Lunch
12.30pm-2.15pm Bowling/pool
2.30pm Departure
Tuesday Lesson/Activity
9.30am Arrival
9.30am-10am Breakfast
10am-10.45am Topic
10.45am-11.15am Break
11.15am-12pm Maths
12pm-12.30pm Lunch
12.30pm-2.15pm 4motion
2.30pm Departure
Wednesday Lesson/Activity
9.30am Arrival
9.30am-10am Breakfast
10am-10.45am BTEC Sport Theory
10.45am-12pm BTEC Sport Practical
12pm-1pm KFC/McDonalds
1.15pm-2.15pm Go Karting
2.30pm Departure
Thursday Lesson/Activity
9.30am Arrival
9.30am-10am Breakfast
10am-10.45am Maths
10.45am-11.15am Break
11.15am-12pm Outdoor activity
12pm-12.30pm Lunch
12.30pm-2.15pm Bowling/pool
2.30pm Departure
Wednesday Lesson/Activity
9.30am Arrival
9.30am-10am Breakfast
10am-10.45am English
10.45am-12pm BTEC Sport Practical
12pm-1pm KFC/McDonalds
1.15pm-2.15pm Go Karting
2.30pm Departure

The BTEC program can help us to understand the importance of maintaining a healthy and safe lifestyle in and out of the workplace. Recognising the importance of health, the risks and how to reduce the risks contributes to safer and more fulfilling lives. The importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important in reducing the risk of disease and obesity related illness. The importance of analysing and reducing risks in the workplace is integral to being able to perform any job in a safe and structured manner to increase both productivity and safety. Some career options will have a much greater focus and attention to detail than others but there is an aspect of safety and risk reduction in all fields of employment. Our curriculum is designed to give good anatomical knowledge as well being able to apply critical analysis to tasks with the aim reducing/avoiding risk.

  • Human body – systems, components and functional properties
  • Diet – Outlines what a balanced diet is and the negative effects of not consuming a balanced diet.
  • Exercise & fitness – positive and negative effect of exercise and how to exercise safely
  • Health in the workplace – identifying and reducing risks, adhering to safe practice.
7-8 Muscles.
Exercise facilities.
Warm up.
Cool down.
Areas of employment.
Repetitive strain injury.
Active vs sedentary down.
9-10 Applying reduction of injury and disease.
Greater functionality.
Sports coaches and their roles. Risk and risk reduction.
11 Diet design.
Hydration principles.
Analysis of performance for improvement purposes. Good practice within the workplace.

Mathematics can help us better understand and describe the world around us. Recognising the importance of mathematics in life and in society contributes to living safe, healthy and fulfilling lives. Understanding there is a purpose to Maths beyond the classroom is our curriculum intent. The importance of mathematics is evident in our personal lives when calculating the number of tins of paint needed when decorating, managing expenses and savings, organising and planning a journey and estimating a bill when out for a meal. Some career options require subject specific knowledge but a wider variety depend mainly on ‘higher-order skills’ such as numeracy, the ability to think logically and quantitatively, to handle data and to analyse and solve problems. Our curriculum is designed to give a good mathematical education and to help develop these higher-order skills.

  • Number representations – Proportion and types of number that are fundamental to all aspects of life.
  • Dimension – Combines two complimentary aspects of human reasoning; logic and intuition.
  • Algebra – Generalises arithmetic and develops analytical thinking.
  • Problem solving – Helps us see things that would otherwise be hidden from our awareness.
  • Graphs – Develop interpretation of real life scenarios and make predictions.
  • Evaluate – Statistics enable us to reflect and refine.
KS3 Addition.
Power of 10.
Ordering numbers.
Collecting like terms/simplification.
Expand and simplify brackets.
Negative numbers.
KS3/KS4 Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.
Negative numbers.
Expanding double brackets.
Solving equations.
Area of rectangles.
Area of triangles.
Compound Area.
2D Shapes.
3D Shapes.
KS4 Appropriate units.
Metric and imperial Units.
Metric and time problem solving.
Simplifying fractions.
Multiplying and dividing fractions.
Adding and subtracting fractions.

Being a confident communicator and reader are key skills to be able to engage with the world and communicate with those around us. English at World will focus on creating enthusiastic and flexible communicators who can create and understand messages and their multiple layers of effect. We will learn to read and write for pleasure and to engage with the modern world. We will read in order to connect with experiences from around the world. Mastering the English language so we can share and shape the world.

  • Comprehension – read a range of texts accurately.
  • Understanding a range of reasons why people write – be able to draw connections between
    a writer’s purpose, personal experience and their message.
  • Understanding how a range of texts can be built up – understand the reasons / effects behind
    this and be able to use this to communicate effectively in a range of different situations and
  • Understanding the effects of language – be able to explore how writer’s manipulate the
    effects and subtle messages created through their choice of words and use of literary
  • Clear and confident communication – write and talk accurately using a range of vocabulary,
    punctuation and structures to create desired effects.
  • Exploring the world – through reading and writing about a wide range of texts develop an
    appreciation for the people, places and experiences of our world.
7-8 Vowels
Capital letters
Full stops
Nouns & proper nouns
Verb tenses
Commas (clauses)
Apostrophes (belonging)
Apostrophes 2 (missing letters)
Speech marks
Other punctuation (!?)
9-10 Other punctuation 2 (:;)
Sentence structure
Their, there and they’re
Double negatives
Double negatives
11 Similes
Rhetorical questions
Letter writing
Descriptive writing
Story writing
Emotive writing
Script writing

The topic programme can help up to gain a wider knowledge of the world we live in giving greater understanding to so that we can approach many areas of life with an open mind. Many different areas are covered in the topic program such as history, science, geography, PSHE and art as well as things that are currently happening in the world at the time. The importance of being aware of problems and successes in the world in which we live in; whether it be present day or in the past is integral to shaping us into well rounded members of society with an understanding of different cultures, ways of doing things and how to act in specific circumstances. This broadening of horizons will be very important within many career paths as looking at problems from many different angles is important to employers. Also from the programme they will gain a lot of knowledge in different subjects which will aid in a lot of knowledge transfer when up against new experiences, problems or situations in the work place.

  • History – ancient, medieval and modern
  • Geography – maps, flags, the rock cycle and geological events
  • Science – Reactions, electricity, evolution and states of matter
  • PSHE – health & hygiene, race, drugs & alcohol and abuse
  • Art – the history of and artistic flare
  • Current news.